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Gold Coast Multiple Birth Association

Sleep & Settling Virtual Workshop

Wed, 8 Sep 2021
19:00 - 20:30

Michelle from Parents2B (P2B) will be hosting an ONLINE Sleep and Settling Q&A session WEDNESDAY 8th September at 7pm, exclusively for the GCMBA community.

No matter whether you are an expectant parent wanting to be prepared, or a parent of multiples looking for some advice.... Come along, ask your burning questions and hear Michelle share her wisdom and knowledge on baby and toddler sleep and settling, introducing solids & the impacts of food.

Michelle is a registered midwife, nurse, childbirth educator and infant sleep specialist. For more information on Parents2B check out: www.Parents2B.com.au

This is a FREE workshop for all of our Gold Coast Multiple Birth Community. Zoom link to the meeting is here. Meeting ID: 870 3324 2907
Passcode: 161525

Want to ask your questions in advance? Pop them into the Facebook event comments and we'll put them to Michelle!

36 Hammond Dr, Gaven, Queensland, 4211, Australia

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