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Gold Coast Multiple Birth Association

Fussy Eaters Zoom Workshop

Tue, 25 Oct 2022
18:30 - 19:30

Fussy Eaters Zoom Workshop

As we all know meal time can be quite traumatic for some parents, where we struggle to find what to cook, what our children will eat, lots of mess, are they getting the right foods, foods thrown around and sometimes lots of tears!!!

So GCMBA have invited Nicole Brown-Shepherd a Paediatric dietician from Tiny Tots Paediatrics in Tugun to speak to our community on Tuesday 25th October at 6.30pm.

This talk will be all about dealing with fussy toddlers, solids, starting solids, allergies and going through the stages of food from birth-toddlers.

This is a 45 minute talk with time for questions at the end.

We are so excited to have Nicole join us so if you would like to join in the zoom please RSVP to the private Facebook event so you don’t miss out.


36 Hammond Dr, Gaven, Queensland, 4211, Australia

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