Member Benefits

The Gold Coast Multiple Birth Association is open to all parents (natural, foster or adoptive) of multiple birth children.

Members enjoy benefits such as free or discounted entry to GCMBA events (Gym classes for children, parents dinners, Dads of Multiples events, baby mat play, sensory classes, playgroup, Multiple Birth Awareness Week and the Christmas Party to name a few).

Financial members ensure the club is able to continue to provide support services to the local community of multiples. All managerial and administrative functions are voluntary.


The Gold Coast Multiple Birth Association connects Gold Coast parents and families of multiples with each-other and provides a local support network. To create these connections we:

  • Host Expectant Parents Nights (EPNs) for families expecting multiples

  • Host parent workshops on various topics - eg: sleep & settling, toilet training and raising resilient children

  • Coordinate regular all ages multiples playgroup (siblings welcome), and baby mat playgroups

  • Organise regular Dads of Multiples (DOMs) meet ups

  • Celebrate Multiple Birth Awareness Week (MBAW), Christmas and other events throughout the year (Mothers Day, Fathers Day etc) through hosting fun events for families with multiples for free or at a discounted rate

  • Provide access to corporate family membership passes to Tabatinga Tweed Heads and House Down Under

  • Provide opportunities for fun, affordable activities for your family with multiples to participate in. Activities such as gymnastics, sensory classes, movie events etc

  • School Age Multiples (SAMs) have regular affordable and fun events throughout the school holidays

  • Provide access to a network of resources to support families with multiples

Financial membership provides you access to:

  • Corporate family membership passes which can be booked by your family multiple times throughout the year to
    ​​​​​​- Tabatinga Tweed Heads
    - House Down Under, Pacific Fair

  • A variety of discounts to local products and places as well as national - check out here for some of the national discounts

  • Highly discounted activities throughout the year, such as movie nights

  • Free webinars, live and on demand, via Australian Multiple Birth Association (AMBA)

  • Free or highly discounted parenting workshops and seminars, both in person and virtual